
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tommy "Chicken Little" Maaltman screams, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"

What's all the fuss about building a Mosque on the sacred grounds of 911 in lower Manhattan? I urge you to turn your attention to a more pressing concern. Tommy has it by good authority that the Flying Buttresses of Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral are disintegrating and the famous landmark will soon collapse into a pile of rubble. Tommy says that before this happens, to the Master Builder's chagrin, let's tear down the old gal and replace it with a white clapboard and red brick Christian Reformed Church! Out with the olde Kirk and in with the new Kirk. Sure some will argue that the old cathedral has special sentimental meaning to certain people. But with 1.7 percent of Europeans attending mass on a regular basis, they will get over it. Moreover, the new Christian Reformed Church will be open to everybody as long as you are willing to give up dancing and watching TV on Sundays. And while you are not dancing and watching TV on Sundays, why not enjoy a dram of BenRinnes 15 year old Flora and Fauna single malt scotch whisky, 43 vol. with a communion red dark brown color, sherry and burnt toffee nose, licorice and anise taste and a satisfying, soothing, spiritual finish. Amen brother. Slainte, chirp, chirp, Tommy Maaltman

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