
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tommy's thoughts on federal excise tax, The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 , and Bowmore 21 year old . Dram 8 on the single malt whisky bucket list.

Let's talk about the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. The first test of our new nation's Federal Authority. When deeply in debt due to expenses incurred by capitalists over charging for shoddy war time supplies for the Revolutionary Army of the Colonies, the Feds came up with a novel idea. Let's tax the people where it hurts. We'll tax whiskey production! Thus a national policy was established. Recklessly run up debt, then tax the people to death. Well "the people" once again rebelled against this outrageous tax and humiliated the tax collectors with torture and by tar and feathering as they burned down their homesteads and offices like poor old John Neville and his slaves. Which brings me to the point of this piece, Bowmore 21 year old single malt whisky, dram number 8 on the single malt whisky bucket list. Unfortunately you can no longer purchase this whisky. It was given to me many years ago by a patient expressing his gratitude to me for saving his life. If you like the smell of pine oil, smoke and tar, you will love this whisky. Dark in appearance, this Islay ignites in your mouth delivering salt and more intense tar flavors. The finish makes your skin squirm with sweat and heat. The Whiskey Rebellion was squelched when Alexander Hamilton and George Washington assembled an army of over twelve thousand miltiamen and marched westward to establish a precedent. Tax, tax, tax, and then tax some more. But in this case the exquisite expression of a dram of Bowmore 21 year old single malt whisky overshadows the disgust you will feel when you pull out your billfold to pay for your whisky knowing full well that the good old United States government is pocketing a significant portion of the price. Slainte, Tommy Maaltman.

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