
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kid Colton says, "Mama don't go, Daddy come home."

Kid Colton, the abandoned son of Lassiter, the lone gunman, professional killer for hire, was making quite a name for himself in the Territory West of the Law. Well known as a young, edgy, brash, jittery, killer for hire with a deadly fast draw and a huge chip on his shoulder, the young professional was a valuable commodity to wealthy land owners settling disputes. One evening "The Kid" pushed through the rotting doors of the North Dakotan Saloon in the northern territory of........North Dakota, knocking over drunk patrons as he made his way to the bar. The angry drunks realizing who it was, slowly and carefully leathered their guns and scurried away like rats into the night. The Kid sat down next to Lassiter who was nursing a dram of his favorite cask strength single malt Scotch whisky and said, "Daddy, you left me but I never left you. I needed you but you didn't need me. So I just got to tell you, Goodbye, goodbye. I saw Mama working her fingers to the bone trying to make ends meet to keep the family together after you left, but it didn't work and slowly day by day she got weaker and weaker and slipped away. How many nights did I tighten my belt and hungrily cry myself to sleep thinking, Mama don't go, Daddy come home? Well Mama died and you never came home." Lassiter looked into The Kid's steely gray, stone cold killer's eyes and said, "Son, it don't take a very big man to hold a grudge. Every trail has a puddle and there is no use crying over spilt milk. Why don't you have a dram of Clynelish, 14 year old, 46 vol. Hidden Malts with a bright pale orange color, fragrant stroll in the sand dunes nose, firm, oily, smoky but cleansing flavor and a spicy, perfume, exotic, satisfying finish? Little did anyone IMAGINE that 100 years later, John Lennon would immortalized their dialog in the 1970 song Mother and then ten years later be gunned down and killed with 4 slugs to the back by a lone gunman in front of the Dakota in New York City. Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

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