
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Monday, December 25, 2017

Reporting for duty.

Stepping off the wagon, Dr. Alistair MacQualter Graham sank into eight inches of a mixture of slim, mud, horse urine and feces as he reported for duty at the Head Quarters of the Northern Army of Virginia under the command of General Robert E. Lee. He walked into the Field Hospital operating theatre without bothering to stamp off the mud from his boots. Dr. Graham didn't notice that the tables were covered with several layers of dried blood, bone fragments and the slim of human entrails with large black clouds of swarming flesh eating black flies overhead. For some reason the sour smell of decaying bodies and bacterial gangrene didn't seem to bother him. He was only interested in finding his quarters and getting settled in and comfortable. To his surprise and chagrin the "Officer's Quarters" was a small canvas tent reeking of moldy damp fabric covering a mud floor scattered with flea infested straw. Unpacking, Dr. Alistair MacQuarter Graham, hired Army hack, wondered if enlisting was such a good idea and how much it would cost Daddy to get him out of this Hell Hole? Not having talked to his father for several years and not bothering to express his gratitude for getting him into Harvard Medical School, Alistair pondered his next move. Bingo, a glass of 10 year old Port Charlotte Second Limited Edition Islay Single Malt. Extremely rare 50% alc./vol with a Floral nose, copper color, heavily peated first taste and a medicinal finish. In fact, just what the Doctor ordered and the right medicine considering the circumstances. Merry Christmas Maaltmen. SlĂ inte, Tommy Maaltman

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