
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tommy Maaltman, pacifists and patriots.

"Love Wins," Wage Peace." Are you f***ing kidding me? In a life and death struggle with international terrorists I'm going with the highly trained and best equipped men and women of the United States Armed Forces backed with the largest nuclear arms arsenal in the world and anything and everything my Concealed Pistol Liscense (CPL) permit will allow me to carry. And speaking about packing a punch and carrying a big stick, how about a dram of Bruichladdich 10 year old 46 vol., with a bright camouflage Marine green color, Navy, sea air nose, effervescent Army gun powder taste and Airforce stealth surgical sharp strike finish. Semper Fi, M.'s. Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tommy asks, " What's crazier, California lawsuits or Japanese cask strength single malts?"

Last spring, I was at a dead stop in four lanes of southbound traffic on California Highway 5 when I was rear ended by what turned out to be a pregnant illegal alien and her five year old child. Tommy always drives a large American made SUV when traveling so the collision impact felt like a nat flying into the back of my neck. Never the less, I jumped out of my vehicle risking my life to administer first aide to the other driver who went through the windshield of her foreign made mini sub compact ?smart? car. Fortunately her child was restrained and uninjured in the back seat. A call to 911 promptly brought a California Highway Patrolman to the scene two and one half hours later. He stated he would have been there sooner but the traffic was "horrible! " After thoroughly investigating the accident he sited and ticketed the illegal alien driver for a reckless moving violation and for driving at an unsafe speed for conditions resulting in vehicular damage and human bodily injury. Somehow driving while intoxicated and being in the country illegally were overlooked. Fortunately I was able to attend the Korte Meatball Contest, and depite being rattled and tired I was able to participate in the judging that evening. Several weeks later I was served with papers indicating that I was being sued for damages resulting from "said stated accident." It seems that the other driver who recklessly slammed into me while going through the windshield somehow suffered a whip lash injury and is now disabled and unable to perform her duties as a "domestic engineer" i.e cleaning woman at tax free cash wages. While recuperating from her injury she prematurely delivered her baby, a boy, who immediately upon poking his head through the birth canal was granted U.S. citizenship by Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer. Fortunately for him, since a stent in the newborn neonatal unit usually required for premature infants, typically runs $387,000.00 for uncomplicated cases. Being a U.S. citizen enables him to be eligible for medicaid. So I ask you what could be crazier? How about a great cask strength single malt produced in Japan? Don't be a snob, this is the real deal. For example, try a Yamazaki 18 year old, 43 vol. Deep amber color, leather and oranges nose, smokey citrus fruit flavor and long fruity finish. The sun will set on my lawsuit in the west, hopefully in my favor, but I am concentrating on the land of the rising sun in the far east and looking forward to sampling many more great cask strength Japanese single malts. Kanpai, (Slainte) Tommy Maaltman

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Professor Tommy Maaltman's Anatomy 101 Class.

"Good morning class. Good morning Professor Maaltman. Today we are going to discuss the anatomy of the human tongue. To start, draw a large U on your note paper. Oh I'm sorry I forgot you don't carry note paper or pencils anymore. Well anyway this would represent the human tongue. Now the tongue has many purposes, (nervous giggles are heard throughout the auditorium) but we are going to concentrate on the sensation, perception, and experience of taste, one of the five senses humans possess. Taste and smell are the result of chemoreceptors and go hand in hand and when we taste we are mostly smelling. The tongue provides us with four tastes, sweet, sour, salt, and bitter. We taste sweet from the tip of our tongue. On the side of our tongue we taste salt. Sour is tasted on either side of the rear of our tongue. Bitter is tasted at the base of the tongue. Class, with your imaginary colored pencils label your imaginary diagram of the human tongue on your note paper with the various areas of taste. Our little friends the taste buds, (almost 9000 of them,) are responsible for sending nerve impulses to the brain after coming in contact with the foodstuffs. The center of the tongue is relatively devoid of taste buds which is why to experience taste to the fullest you must roll the substance around over the surface of the tongue. Now tonight's assignment, (groans erupt from the auditorium,) will involve putting what we learned today in the classroom to practical use. Pour a dram of Laphroaig 10 year old, cask strength, 57.3 vol., gold color, tarry nose, seaweed and salt taste with a briny finish and compare it to a Glenmorangie 18 year old, 43% pale yellow gold appearance, overwhelming sweet nose, fruity taste and floral finish employing your new anatomical knowledge to your tasting experience. And don't forget to nose! " Before the Professor could say, "class dismissed," there was a stampede of students from the lecture hall. Later that evening the Professor put his feet up and relaxed with the assignment drams and sighed to himself, "Isn't tenure great!" Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The University of Michigan spanks Notre Dame for sins of their Fathers and Rick Rossi blows it.

Tommy (Bachelor of Science with High Distinction University of Michigan graduate, 1975,) relished in the Wolverine's win over Notre Dame this weekend but was disappointed when Rick Rossi, one of only three selected to ask Coach Kelly a question, meekly in a politically correct manner said, " Who served as a role model in your life?" The Maaltman would have, given the opportunity, asked a much more interesting and relevant question such as, "What Scotch single malt whisky most effected your coaching philosophy?" Well sadly we may never know but I suspect Coach may have replied, "That's easy, an Ardbeg "Lord of the Isles" 25 year old, 46 vol. The supreme expression of Ardbeg, with a full gold appearance, (like the helmets,) distant smoke of battle nose, silky, smooth, fruity taste and a very disappointing finish, like the team!" Go Blue, are we talking Heisman yet? Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

Tommy on investments.

Buy gold! Buy gold! I can't turn on the TV without some ex-con (Gordon Liddy) screaming these words. Last time I heard so much hype about buying gold was in 1979 when everybody drained their bank accounts and bought gold Krugerands for $873.00 an ounce only to find them worth $200.00 six months later. The only people getting rich in the gold market are the people selling gold and the con artists hawking it's virtue. I'm much too conservative. I say buy CD's. Not certificates of deposits. No, the type of CD that you pop in your Bose sound system as you sit down to enjoy your favorite dram of Scotch single malt whisky. And since we are talking investments and whisky, don't forget a superbly selected bottle of Scotch single malt whisky can also be a good investments as it ages. No silly, it doesn't get better after bottling, but as other people consume theirs, yours becomes more scarce and therefore more valuable. Remember in high school economics class when the teacher droned on and on about supply and demand? Whisky futures, there's gold in them thar hills! It's not so far fetched after all. My problem is that I would rather enjoy the single malt whisky that I purchased than to sell it to some dupe at a greatly inflated price for a profit. For example, I have several bottles of The Macallan 25 year old single malt. This whisky is amber red in color with a smokey nose, full body taste and dry complex finish. Sure I could sell what's left but to me it's priceless. So don't be a gold schmuck , drink it! Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tommy says, "manly men drink manly whisky."

Did Mark Mcgwire, Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, and Sammy Sosa take steroids? Does the Pope s**t in the woods? Are bears catholic? You be the judge. But when it comes to performance enhanced whiskys, you have got to start in the steroid land of Islay, home of a manly man's dram. For example, the Ardbeg Supernova, 58.9 vol., pale gold color, blatant in your face damp soil, peat, smoke, tar, resin, muscular body nose, lively tobacco, peat and salt taste, with a long black pepper finish. Wow!!! The only other way to experience these flavors and smells is to sign on to a work crew of an asphalt paving company in the middle of a hot summer. A few drams of this will shrivel your testicles to the size of BBs. Yo, Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tommy says, "Get what you need."

Perhaps the great philosopher, humanitarian, artist and songwriter, Mick Jager, said it best, "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need." Sure I'd like to exclusively drink Macallan 25 year old, Highland Park 30 year old, Bowmore 50 year old, etc., etc., etc. But unless you're a United States government employee you probably can't afford the 1000.00 dollar plus cost per bottle for these fine whiskys! So what do you do? You get what you need! A 20 dollar bottle of The Famous Grouse. A mature blended scotch whisky with a mid gold color. The nose is toffee and caramel with floral notes as expected when malts and grains are blended together. The peat comes from the Highland Park contribution. The finish is smooth and mellow. The Scots known to be frugal (cheap) have taken this blended whisky to their bosom (Scotland's biggest selling whisky) because this one won't ruffle the pocket book. Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tommy, road racers, sissies and a jacked up man's dram.

OK, I wasn't going to return to the subject anymore but I just can't let it go. As I was enjoying my fourth double expresso on the drive into work last Saturday morning I passed several ?guys? training on their road bikes. I say ?guys? because I couldn't really tell what they were dressed in their one piece, synthetic material colorful graphic art singlets, aerodynamic color matched head gear with a hands free Camel Back water delivery system, cute little half cut stockinettes and what appeared to be ballerina slipper biking shoes. Has anyone else noticed the femininazatiion of road racing? And when was the last time one of these he-she pretty boys taken first place in the Tour de France or the Tour de Anything for that matter? I'll tell you when, NEVER! Not as long as the steroid road enraged cowboys from the West are in the game. No, Im not saying Lance Owens , the cancer survivor, super hero, took steroids, but he does bring a sense of "hard as nails" masculinity to the sport. And that's with only one testicle! As you know, Tommy rides a road bike. You may have seen me on a 40 miler wearing an old beat up pair of Patagonia baggy shorts, a dirty white Hanes T shirt, no socks and an ancient pair of cracked leather bike shoes. And no, I've never worn a Camel Back water system or even packed a bottle of water no matter how long the ride or how hot the day. I am content to "rehydrated" after I get home with a tall glass of tap water and a dram of my favorite scotch single malt whisky. And speaking of being jacked up on roids, let's return to my favorite region of Scotland, Islay, and enjoy a super charged dram of Ardbeg Uigeadail, 54.2 vol. With a pale gold color, smokey nose, hot alcohol explosion on the tongue and a true shocking to the system finish. Slainte, road ragers. Tommy Maaltman.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Tommy introduces Snoop Dogg to Uisge Beatha.

During a recent business meeting I got stranded in Detroit at the International Airport due to weather so I did what I always do and headed for the Delta Club Lounge for free booze. Low and behold Snoop Dogg and his posse had the same idea. Granted, Snoop Dogg's favorite refreshment is weed but since we were in a "No Smoking" lounge I introduced myself and offered to share a dram of my favorite refreshment, scotch whisky. To my surprise he had never heard of my Blog, Tommy Maaltman's Malt Musings but never the less said, "sho.". So I went to the bar and returned with several glasses of Chivas Regal Blended Scotch Whisky. Snoop said, " Wha dis?" I patiently explained that it was uisge beatha, aqua vitae, i.e. Scotch malt whisky from Scotland. He said, "where dat?". I said that Scotland is a country over the big pond in northern Europe. Malt he knew but nothing East of Haarlem seemed to exist in the Dogg's world. Why don't you give it a nose and take a sip? I assured him I was not making fun of his nose as he took his first sip and said, "shawizzle, dis drizzle is nizzle." For those of you who are not bilingual I fortunately speak Ebonics and will translate. He said something to the affect, dis shit is good! Yes I replied, the color is a dark gold like Snoop's oversized bling, the nose is fruity, the taste is sweet and mellow and the finish is vanilla and caramel. "Now dis I can pimp." Snoop Dogg high fived me and I slipped him my card. As he was putting my card in the front pocket of his pants located about a foot below his knees I encourage him to follow my blog and learn more about Scotch malt whisky. As we departed he said, "Aye Dee Os my brother, next time the blunts are on me." I responded, Slaintezzle my man. Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tommy's Wild, Wild, West.

Having just read, Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey and The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains by Owen Wister I was inspired to think of days gone by. In the wild west of Tommy's world, I envision the sun drenched, dusty, parched, lone gunman named Lassiter, dressed all in black leather, kicking in the swinging doors of the saloon and walking up to toothless, unshaved bar keep and instead of saying, "gimme whiskey," croaking, "I'd like a dram of your best cask strength scotch single malt whisky, please." After a poignant deafening silence, all the derelicts and desperadoes in the bar burst out laughing as Lassiter slowly turns around and unloads two Colt 45 six shooters into the crowd silencing them forever. After the gun smoke clears, the gunman turns back to the barkeep who is now nervously but carefully measuring out 25 milliliters with a slight tremor of the best dram in the house, a Fettercairn 49.1%, 98.2 proof. The single malt does the job and quenches Lassiter's thirst with a hazy olive oil appearance, nutty, mossy nose, dried fruit and licorice taste and a once in a life time finish. Lassiter slaps a two bit gold piece on the bar, walks out the door, mounts his steed and rides off into the sunset. Slainte cowboys,Tommy Maaltman.