
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tommy Maaltman, pacifists and patriots.

"Love Wins," Wage Peace." Are you f***ing kidding me? In a life and death struggle with international terrorists I'm going with the highly trained and best equipped men and women of the United States Armed Forces backed with the largest nuclear arms arsenal in the world and anything and everything my Concealed Pistol Liscense (CPL) permit will allow me to carry. And speaking about packing a punch and carrying a big stick, how about a dram of Bruichladdich 10 year old 46 vol., with a bright camouflage Marine green color, Navy, sea air nose, effervescent Army gun powder taste and Airforce stealth surgical sharp strike finish. Semper Fi, M.'s. Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

1 comment:

  1. "Paul raises a UNIBROW rebuttal". I think it is important I point out that Tommy posted an average of 1.5 times in the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2010 versus an average of 13 times in the 3rd quarter. My wife, the lovely Kristin Rossi (by the way spelled Kristin with an "in" not "en" as Tommy has done for the last 13 years of our marriage), pointed out this could only be attributed to this increase from 4 to 8 committed followers of this blog! Speaking of Blago... Rick Rossi attended the Mike Huckabee Show yesterday in NYC. Huck interviewed Blagojevich. Although Rick Rossi was NOT 'picked' to ask a question of Blago he would certainly have asked, "...any response to the recent blog by Tommy Maaltman?" Speaking of weaving stories and telling the truth. This all reminds me of a Ben Nevis 123.8, 61.9% 15 year old bottled in 1984 with a dark, rich, oily, mahogany appearance that was 'stolen' from collection several years ago. All this proves the following: 1) blog away... membership has doubled from 4 to 8 which is a 100% increase according to my friends from ND, 2) spelling is not important unless you are writing me a check, 2) 2 cons does not equal right (Huck and Blago!), 3) and you better save at least one dram for me out of that Ben Nevis! See you in Jackson! Ciao, Paulo Rossi
