
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tommy on investments.

Buy gold! Buy gold! I can't turn on the TV without some ex-con (Gordon Liddy) screaming these words. Last time I heard so much hype about buying gold was in 1979 when everybody drained their bank accounts and bought gold Krugerands for $873.00 an ounce only to find them worth $200.00 six months later. The only people getting rich in the gold market are the people selling gold and the con artists hawking it's virtue. I'm much too conservative. I say buy CD's. Not certificates of deposits. No, the type of CD that you pop in your Bose sound system as you sit down to enjoy your favorite dram of Scotch single malt whisky. And since we are talking investments and whisky, don't forget a superbly selected bottle of Scotch single malt whisky can also be a good investments as it ages. No silly, it doesn't get better after bottling, but as other people consume theirs, yours becomes more scarce and therefore more valuable. Remember in high school economics class when the teacher droned on and on about supply and demand? Whisky futures, there's gold in them thar hills! It's not so far fetched after all. My problem is that I would rather enjoy the single malt whisky that I purchased than to sell it to some dupe at a greatly inflated price for a profit. For example, I have several bottles of The Macallan 25 year old single malt. This whisky is amber red in color with a smokey nose, full body taste and dry complex finish. Sure I could sell what's left but to me it's priceless. So don't be a gold schmuck , drink it! Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

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