
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tommy favors same sex marriage.

With the recent court ruling in California, people are no longer talking, they are shouting about same sex marriage. I for one, favor same sex marriages. Why shouldn't homosexuals be able to experience falling in love and the joy of marriage only to find out shortly thereafter that their beloved betrothed partner is no longer interested in sex, is into substance abuse, is probably a borderline psychotic and a shrew to live with? And why shouldn't homosexuals experience the adversarial nature of divorce court resulting in a legal decree insuring financial ruin to both parties and qauranteeing life long bitter feelings of hatred and strained personel relationships? Tommy says, "legalize same sex marriage or ban the institution of marriage all together." Level the playing field people. That settled, let's renew our vows and rejoice with a dram of Glenrothes Limited Edition 16 year old 43% bottled in 1957 with a wedding ban gold appearance, peach taste, and dried fruit and vanilla wedding cake finish. Until drink do us apart. Slainte, Tommy Maaltman.

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