
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Tommy Maaltman Blogging
Tommy Maaltman Blogging

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tommy talks blogo motivation.

Many people have asked, "Tommy, why start a blog?". "What was your motivation.?" Well, after endlessly hearing one "TV pundit" after another say, "I talk about it on my blog," like Laura Ingraham for example, I decided to start my own blog. In Ingraham's case, a child of privilege, graduate of Dartmouth University, and the University of Virginia Law School, worked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of the Anita Hill fame, (remember the sexual harassment testimony during the Senate confirmation hearings?) Ingraham went on to become a radio and TV personality always appearing with a large gold crucifix around her neck regardless of what top she is wearing, and STARTED A BLOG. Along the way she adopted a child and developed cancer, boo hoo. So for lack of a better reason, like the pundits, I can now say, " I talk about it on my blog." And speaking about blogging, let's talk about a dram of 53.43, Coal Ila, 114.6, 57.3%, bottled in 1999 with a pale gold greenish hue and delicate gold hyalinized appearance, smoke and peat taste and pipe tobacco and burnt toast finish. Hey, who put the pubic hair on the rim of my Glencairne glass? Now that's blogging! Slainte, Tommy Maaltman

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